Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Motivation to Invest

In this crazy and busy world it is sometimes difficult to stay focused on our mail goals in life. It is very easy to get sidetracked by family and anything else that happens in life. Some real estate and self-help gurus recommend writing down your goals, and the steps that you can take to get there. Then you can go back and read these goals and methods to help you stay focused. I think this is a wonderful idea. I had helped a great may people. I was about to add that I have not yet done this myself, but that is not true. This blog is helping me to write out my goals and keep me motivated.

I recently spoke with a friend of my husband who is a personal fitness trainer. He was discussing with us the methods that he uses to keep people motivated and give them a more positive attitude towards those things that they really might not want to do, like go to the gym, or not eat that tasty dessert. A lot of what he had to say I could relate to my situation. You need to focus on the positive aspects of the future and not what may have gone wrong in the past, or even what may be unpleasant or tedious to do in the present. It is all about the greater good of the future. In my case, my future as a full time real estate investor.

My goal is simply to become a full time real estate investor. I still have to take care of certain family and personal obligations, but when the mood strikes, or I just run out of time, I need to reevaluate myself and restructure my time to make sure that I can still reach my goals. I never thought about myself as someone who was goal oriented, but it turns out that I always have been. I just have not always been the type to write my goals down in a nice list.

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