Monday, January 01, 2007

To Become Wealthy: Contract Details Part V

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! I want to wish everyone out there a healthy and prosperous new year. Let this be the best year of investing for us all!

Property Information: Under this contract the seller has 10 days to provide us with a:

rent roll
copies of the leases, including any amendments
inventory of all personal property included in the sale
copies of notes and deeds of trust that will not be paid by closing
copies of any current maintenance contracts or managements agreements
copies of utility statements
copies of any warranties or guaranties
copies of any insurance policies related to the property
copies of any leases related to the property
copy of the “as-built” plans and specs and plat of the property (?????)
copies of invoices for repairs in the previous 24 months
copy of property income and expense statement for the state period
copies of all previous environments assessments
real and personal property tax statements for the past 2 years

This is a lot of information. I am going to need to double check to make sure that we received all of these items. There are several that I already have, and a few might not be relevant, but I really need to double check it all.

This also gives me an idea of the types of records that I will need to keep on the property so that I will have an east time being compliant when I chose to sell the property.

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